
About Us

The story behind The Hairy Bikie Series

Dr Jeffrey Baron Levi

Dr Baron Levi holds the degrees of Ph.D,  M.A. (Hons) and B.A. (Hons). He also has a Diploma of Teaching and the Certificate in Neuroanatomy for Neuropsychologists (University of NSW). Dr Baron Levi is a trained counsellor and has worked in schools providing assessment and counselling for children and adolescents with a range of issues including challenging behaviours and psychological issues. For several years he coordinated special education services for the Department of School Education for children with a range of disabilities and was the specialist counsellor for children with emotional and behavioural disorders. Dr Baron Levi has had more than 35 years’ experience in both assessment and rehabilitation of young people with psychological issues including anxiety, adjustment disorders and PTSD as well as ABI. Dr Baron Levi provided consultancy and individualised training to use compensatory strategies and support to young people and families who may have adjustment issues. Dr Baron Levi successfully conducted a 2-year research project funded by the NSW Motor Accidents Authority on training adolescents with ABI to improve their independence for learning in the classroom using metacognitive strategies. He has served on the National Steering Committee of the Head Injury Council of Australia examining services provided to students with ABI.

The Hairy Bikie Cover

The book contains practical and innovative strategies to train clients with Traumatic Brain Injury, Autism, Intellectual Impairment and Behavioural Disorders to compensate for their deficits and to function independently within their environments. The book is a result of 30 years of working directly with clients who are experiencing problems with organisation, memory, learning, problem solving and anger management. The book is highly recommended for practitioners working with clients with a range of disability in educational, community or work settings and is a valuable tool to researchers and tertiary institutions to impart this knowledge to future practitioners.

The book is highly recommended to be included in a cognitive rehabilitation course for counsellors, neuropsychologists, rehabilitation consultants and vocational rehabilitation consultants. It would be highly relevant for a section in a Special Education course and for school psychologists, special education and mainstream teachers working with children with learning and behavioural disorders.